
Academic collaborators

Jeremie Clos

Principal Investigator

Jeremie Clos (UoN, ECR) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science. His research focuses on the application of Natural Language Processing techniques in an interdisciplinary context. He is the main contact of this project, and will contribute his expertise in natural language processing and machine learning.

Eike Schneiders

Acting Principal Investigator

Eike Schneiders (UoN, ECR) is a postdoctoral researcher in the Mixed Reality Laboratory. He received his PhD in Human-Computer and Human-Robot Interaction from Aalborg University in Denmark, focusing on non-dyadic human-robot interaction. He will contribute to the study design and provide expertise during qualitative data collection and analysis, and will serve as acting PI during the project.

Horia Maior


Horia Alexandru Maior (UoN, ECR) is a Transitional Assistant Professor in Computer Science with the Horizon DER. Dr. Maior holds a multidisciplinary PhD in Digital Economy and his current focus is on user centred design in TAS, Responsible Research and Innovation and Policy. His work involves using a variety of qualitative and quantitative approaches to study trustworthy autonomous and other interactive systems.

Liz Dowthwaite


Liz Dowthwaite (UoN, ECR) is a Senior Research Fellow with the TAS Hub in Horizon DER, with a PhD in Digital and Creative Economy and a multi-disciplinary research background grounded in psychology and human factors. Her research interests revolve around how motivation, human values, and attitudes relate to behaviour.

Tina Seabrooke


Tina Seabrooke (UoS, ECR) is a Lecturer in Psychology and will work on the experimental aspects of the project. She has a PhD in experimental psychology from the University of Plymouth. She is currently a co-investigator on a research project funded by the TAS Hub, which aims to use AI to detect auditory biomarkers of pain.

Joshua Krook


Joshua Krook (UoS, ECR) will be working on the legal and policy aspects of the project. He has a PhD in Law from the University of Adelaide and has previously worked for the Australian Government in technology policy. He is part of the TAS Hub and currently a Co-Investigator on a research project funded by DCMS, looking at AI skills policy in the UK.

Joel Fischer


Joel Fischer (UoN) is Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at the School of Computer Science, and Research Director of the TAS Hub. His research takes a human-centred view to understand adoption and embedding of AI-infused technologies into everyday life and work. He has a particular interest in language- and speech-based interaction will draw on his extensive experience of the empirical study of voice interfaces in this project.

Natalie Leesakul


Natalie Leesakul (UoN, ECR) is an  Assistant Professor in Law and Autonomous Systems in the University of Nottingham.

Advisory group

Elliott Hauser (Assistant Prof, UT Austin) will provide advice to the project team and link the work to related projects at UTA. The intention is to explore possible follow-up work with UTA that takes a cross-cultural approach to examining the cultural (in-)sensitivities of LLMs in the legal and other contexts.

Richard Hyde (Professor of Law, Regulation and Governance, UoN). He is a non-practicing solicitor and specialises in the legal regulation of new technologies. He has a particular interest in autonomous and digital technologies. He will advise the team on regulatory challenges and make introductions to potential partners (law firms) to shape the research.

Hongmei (Mary) He (Professor of Robotics, University of Salford). She will make use of her expertise in human-robot interaction and human-centred AI as part of the project advisor group, helping to identify research challenges and opportunities throughout the project.